Regina Rosarii Christmas Outreach Program

It all starts in giving…
You would not know the real sense of Christmas unless you have learned how to share. In this time of year, the spirit of Christmas is best appreciated if you know how to give a part of you especially to those who are in need. It has so much value compared to material things you usually receive. Hence, as part of celebrating this season, Salinas Corporation joined the Dominican sisters of Regina Rosarii as their outreach program and served as volunteers. It is but a wonderful experience for all the employees because of the involvement they had with the less privileged.
On December 21, 2010, people from different walks of life seemed to unite and make that event meaningful and memorable especially to the beneficiaries’ families. From the entrance, volunteers were already there to assist the numbers of people who were on their line to enter the venue. It can be seen from their faces that they are that eager to take part on the event. As time passed by, participants were growing in number. To have a good start, Sister Analyn led the prayer for thanksgiving and blessing.
There are games and prizes prepared for the adults and though there are some interruptions, you cannot see irritations from their faces because they are obviously enjoying. Dullness didn’t find its place on the event because all of them were on-the-go and enthusiastic to join every game. The children on the other hand, enjoyed their own program too. Though some are having their tantrums, it can be obviously seen that they love what was happening and what they were doing. Christmas is indeed for children and you will really feel the essence of the season because of them.
Aside from Salinas’ staff, there are other volunteers who came from schools and families within the community who shared their time too. The children along with their ate’s and kuya’s participated in games and received different gifts and foods. Salinas Corporation in particular, donated gift packs which consist of Fidel Iodized Salt, Salinas Quality Patis and Fidel Hammer Meat Tenderizing Salt.
This event was a great success and a mind opener as well. Because of events like this, we get to appreciate simple things and blessings that come our way. We also learn to give value to people not only to those who we know but to those who are around us as well.