Answer to beverage chilling problems unveiled in Subic

Salinas Foods, Inc., the maker of the number one Fidel Iodized salt did the unveiling of a new innovation in chilling technology in the night-spot capital of the Philippines, Subic, and Olongapo. Housing a number of resto-bars, night-spots and restaurants, Subic was the perfect place for the uncovering of this most awaited milestone in the night-spot and resto-bar industry.
QUICKCHILL is a new chilling technology that answers the long list of chilling problems in resto-bars and in business establishments serving drinks and beverages. “Wala na kaming malamig!”, a frequently uttered words in reto-bars and restaurants during peak hours is now a thing of the past with QuckChill. This is because QUICKCHILL can chill beverages in as fast as 15 minutes and in a matter of 1 hour, the standard subzero temperature, specially for beer can already be achieved. QuickChill doesn’t only deliver quick chilling for your business; it can also give you the coldest beverages since it can achieve a environment temperature of up to negative 12 degrees while chillers can only reach up to negative 6 degrees as their lowest temperature.
Now, we can already kiss goodbye the 24/7 operations of chillers that is a really big toll in the rising electricity consumptions in businesses. This innovative in chilling technology simply makes use of the traditional ice-chest, thus eliminating the high electric consumption of chillers. Going back to basics can’t only help you save on electricity but you are also doing something for the environment as well. Using QuckChill refrigerant technology takes out in the picture CFCs used as refrigerant in chillers, one of the major contributors to global warming.
The QuickChill technology was made public to a crowd of 30 representatives from Crisdan Marketing, a food service distributor and 5 more participants from the major food service establishments in Olongapo. Bayfront Hotel, Rali’s Bar and Grill, Magic Lagoon Bar and Grill, Anne’s Kitchen and Subic Montessori School were among the Olongapo pioneers to witness the revelation of this new chilling technology.
To show that using QuickChill can deliver the coldest beverages in as quick as 20 minutes, the demonstration included ice chest that used QuickChill and ice chest that did not use QuickChill. During the taste testing of the beverages, the participants really discovered for themselves that the beverages from the ice chest with QuickChill were much colder than the beverages from the ice chest without QuickChill. Everyone was amazed that QuckChill can achieve that coldness in just 20 minutes and were amazed them even more was the discovery that in just 1 hour beer bottles were already frozen.
Crisdan Marketing has been the major distributors of food products to the food service industry in Olongapo. After witnessing the effectiveness of QuickChill, Mr. Aňaque, the Operations Manager of Crisdan Marketing automatically agreed to carry the product in Ologapo City. “Tested na yan tested!” was all he can say when asked on how convinced he was about QuickChill.