
The Salt Technology

Manila: (02) 8371 - 4304
Gen Santos: (083) 301 - 2013
Cebu: (032) 238 - 1816

Healthy Lifestyle Maintenance Program

To address the prevailing risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCD) that affects 90% of the country’s population today, Salinas has renewed its commitment to DOH by signing a Memorandum of Agreement with Secretary Francisco T. Duque III to promote Healthy Lifestyle Programs and activities.
NCDs such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are among the top causes of mortality among Filipinos today. At the very core of the company’s commitment in supporting DOH health program is the Community Based Healthy Lifestyle and Maintenance Program. The company is continuously coordinating and assisting communities in different sectors of corporate, private medical practice and public health to spur more awareness and organize initiatives with health as an agenda. More importantly, the company presents low cost alternatives in the prevention of the sickness and that the road to wellness is a consequence of being personally responsible for one’s health and happiness.

As its corporate social responsibility, Salinas founded Healthy Lifestyle Society of the Philippines, an advocacy group with the aim to promote the 5 components of HL namely weight management, regular exercise, balanced diet, stress management and smoking cessation. With the theme “Save Lives, Our Lives!”, the activities prepared by the organizers and members themselves seek to reduce the prevalence of major risk factors specifically smoking, physical inactivity, stress and unhealthy diet. For half a day, people can get signed up and join a program designed for the betterment of everyone’s body. Built on the philosophy that the absence of ailments is what leads to a progressive mind which in turn aids in the nurturing of one’s spirit. 


Among the activities included in the advocacies, active members lead the attendees in a low impact exercise called Nigari Waza, a combination of Tai-chi and Yoga. When this is conducted, participants learn the beneficial effects of deep breathing and stretching. Many attest to breaking up a sweat even without running or jumping. Also, another feature is Tropics Relaxing Spa, a mineral salt technology that upholds skin integrity. Increased application of the minerals to the skin is said to boost our immunity thus, contributing to the improvement of our health status. Lastly, there are also other areas of interest covered such as games, lectures on proper nutrition and how to reduce stress.